Conda installers available!

4 years 7 months ago #2878 by lbittrich
Hi Matthias, thanks for the fast reply! This is the output:

netgen 6.2.2004 py37h9ffcb49_1 conda-forge
ngsolve 6.2.2004 py37_6 ngsolve

so basically this a bug report for netgen? However, I checked all the environment for the library and got no result, so the library is not just missing in the ngsolve directories but also in netgen.

Best regard,
4 years 7 months ago #2879 by matthiash
Hi Lars,

The netgen package in conda-forge is not maintained by us and is built without GUI support, hence the missing *vis* libraries.
You need to install netgen from the ngsolve channel as well.

4 years 7 months ago #2880 by lbittrich
Hi Mattias,

That is interesting. It pulled in netgen from conda-forge automatically. I checked my .condarc and the ngsolve channel was first. But even the "conda install -c ngsolve netgen" was pulling it from conda-forge. I fixed it with "conda config --set channel_priority strict". Then I got it from the ngsolve channel but after installing ngsolve again in downgraded to 6.2.1910. With "conda update --all" I got it back to " 6.2.2004" but then the packages "six" and "openblas" were missing -> so installing that "conda install six openblas" it is now working fine.

Thank you!
4 years 7 months ago #2881 by christopher
Hi Lars,
Maybe you already had netgen installed by installing freecad or so? Then I guess conda doesn't upgrade to the ngsolve channel version automatically. An option to try then is to install ngsolve in a dedicated environment.
4 years 7 months ago #2882 by lbittrich
Hi Christopher,
Actually that is exactly what I did! My problem was solved now, but in case someone else encounters the same problem I described my solution anyways. I just verified again:
conda create --name ngsolve_test python=3.7
conda activate ngsolve_test
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels ngsolve
conda install ngsolve

results in the following package list:
netgen conda-forge/osx-64::netgen-6.2.2004-py37h9ffcb49_1
nettle conda-forge/osx-64::nettle-3.4.1-h3efe00b_1002
ngsolve ngsolve/osx-64::ngsolve-6.2.2004-py37_6

only with:

conda config --set channel_priority strict

I get:

netgen ngsolve/osx-64::netgen-6.2.1910-py37_44
ngsolve ngsolve/osx-64::ngsolve-6.2.1910-py37_28

again. However all the channel priorities and channel lists entries are global to all environments so using this instead might be more useful:

conda config --env --add channels conda-forge ngsolve

4 years 7 months ago #2884 by dengcy
Replied by dengcy on topic In compatible with CUDA 11.0
conda install -c ngsolve ngsolve Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve. Solving environment: failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source. Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve. Solving environment: / Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages. This can take several minutes. Press CTRL-C to abort. failed UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be incompatible with each other: Output in format: Requested package -> Available versionsThe following specifications were found to be incompatible with your CUDA driver: - feature:/win-64::__cuda==11.0=0 Your installed CUDA driver is: 11.0

Does NGSolve even need CUDA? I am surprised to see this conflict.
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