NGSolve User Meeting 2023, Portland

NGSolve User Meeting 2023, Portland

Thank you for the great Usermeeting. Talks can be rewatched on our YouTube channel!




This user meeting is the successor of the first three user meetings in Vienna and Göttingen and is the first user meeting outside Europe. After the COVID pandemic the 2023 NGSolve User Meeting finally arrives in Portland, Oregon, USA from July 9th - July 11th, 2023. We bring together newcomers and advanced NGSolve users. Scientists from different backgrounds are expected. Newcomers will benefit from tutorials providing a quick start into NGSolve and its Python interface. Researchers at the frontiers of numerical methods will benefit from advanced tutorials.  Experiences will be shared, new features will be discussed, and extensions to the software will be presented.



All hands-on-sessions and presentations take place in Vanport Room 338, within Smith Memorial Student Union (SMSU) at Portland State University. 

Street address of SMSU: 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201, USA.

Google Map Link


Saturday, July 8 
19:00  Get-together at Library Taphouse
Sunday, July 9 
8:00 - 9:00  Registration + Installation sessions
9:00 - 10:30 Tutorials (J. Gopalakrishnan, J. Schöberl, C. Lehrenfeld)
10:30 - 11:00  Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30 Tutorials
12:30 - 14:00  Lunch break
14:00 - 15:30 Tutorials
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 17:00 Tutorials 
18:00 -  No-host social evening
Monday, July 10
9:00 - 10:30 

Surface PDEs, shells and curvature (M. Neunteufel + E. Gawlik)

Advanced Multigrid (G. Fu)

Optimal control of Landau-de Gennes (S. Walker)

Optical fibre modes (P. Vandenberge)


Coffee break


Space-time tent pitching (J. Gopalakrishnan)

X-FEM / CutFEM with ngsxfem (C. Lehrenfeld)

Trefftz methods with ngstrefftz (P. Stocker)

OpenCascade geometry (C. Lackner)


Lunch break

14:00 - 15:30

NGSolve C++ programming (C. Lackner)

MPI-Parallel and CUDA computing (J. Schöberl)

PETSc interface (U. Zerbinati)

General purpose engineering simulation software (L Chang)


Coffee break


bring your problem, show-cases, discussions, ...

19:00  Workshop Dinner 
Tuesday, July 11
9:00 - 13:00 

Hands on mini-tutorials (in parallel):

C++ programming (C. Lackner)

High performance computing (J. Schöberl)

NGS-XFem (C. Lehrenfeld)

NGS-Trefftz (P. Stocker)

PETSc interface (U. Zerbinatti)

OpenCascade geometry (C. Lackner)

Shells + Curvature (M. Neunteufel, E. Gawlik)

Multigrid programming (G. Fu)


15:00 - 

Tour of a docked submarine or science museum visit


Lunch options:


To register for the usermeeting send a short email including your name, University/Company, and research interests to

Please let us know your level of experience, and what topics you like to learn and discuss. Do you like to give a presentation ? Do you like to run a thematic mini-tutorial ? 

There are no registration fees.

Let us know if you do not want to show up on the public list of participants.


Here is the List of participants.


A limited block of rooms are held for this workshop at Hotel Vance located at 1455 SW Broadway, a five minute walk from the workshop venue. The negotiated rate of 169 USD per night can be obtained through this link, on a first-come first-serve basis, for reservations during the period covering July 8 through July 11, 2023:

Book through this link to get the reduced rate

An alternate option is Hotel Zags, located nearby at 515 SW Clay Street. You can obtain their discounted rate by putting PSU into the box for “Corporate/Promo” code while booking at their website.

The conference venue is located at the southern end of downtown Portland where there are many more lodging options, all accessible by a quick internet search.


The conference venue is located in downtown Portland, about a 25 minute drive from the Portland International Airport (airport code PDX). From the airport, a light rail transit line, called the MAX Red line, will get you to downtown for USD 2.50.  During the workshop dates, there is likely to be track construction that prevents the MAX Red line train from reaching the airport, in which case there will a shuttle bus to the next available train stop from the airport. Taxis from airport to downtown costs between  USD 40-50. Uber and Lyft also provide pick ups from the airport. Real time public transit information on light rail lines, a separate streetcar system, and various bus lines is available at Trimet. This information is also tracked by apps like Google Maps in real time.

Regional participants can also travel by long-distance trains directly into the downtown Portland Amtrak Union Station (located at 800 NW Sixth Ave) or by long-distance bus companies, like BoltBus, FlixBus, and Greyhound.


The UM23 is kindly supported by Portland State University

Compute resources are kindly provided by Vienna Scientific Cluster and EuroCC


For questions on the user meeting contact . You may also write directly to Jay Gopalakrishnan for clarifications on local arrangements