Build Netgen on Linux (CentOS)

6 years 5 months ago #1196 by sgomes

I have been trying to install Netgen on my work computer - the OS is CentOS Linux 7.

The most recent version uses python 3.7 which is not available here - so I downloaded version 6.2.1807.
It does seem to install correctly and I can generate meshes, but I cannot do anything else. I think it might be a problem related to submodules (it seems like it doesn't get the right ones?)

Another thing I noticed is that when I launch it, it doesn't load the OCC module, or the ngsolve library (which happens when I run it on my windows laprop) - the process stops before this.

Is there anything different I should be doing?

6 years 5 months ago #1197 by matthiash
Hi Susana,

I assume you compiled Netgen from source? If so, the Python version does not matter, this is only relevant for prebuilt binaries for Windows and MacOS.

Did you follow the instructions here?

To update the submodules properly, execute the following:
git submodule update --init --recursive || true git submodule sync --recursive git submodule update --init --recursive

6 years 5 months ago #1199 by sgomes
Thanks Matthias, that worked!

It wasn't completely clear from the documentation, but this solved the problem.

3 years 5 months ago #4018 by point41

I am trying to build ngsolve on CentOS 7 and keep running into problems. Does anyone have a working build for CentOS 7 they would be able to share (ngsolve-install) ? Better yet, does anyone have a working installation script for CentOS 7 similar to the standard one for Ubuntu on the ngsolve website ?

Appreciate any help

Thanks and regards,

3 years 5 months ago #4027 by matthiash
Hi Valery,

Which version of python3 are your using on your system? (python3 --version)

We are currently working on pip-packages for netgen and ngsolve, a preliminary release will be available this week (at least for linux).

3 years 5 months ago #4028 by point41
Hi Matthias,

Thanks for the reply.

I have Python 3.6.8 installed and actually managed to get the build to work in the mean time. Most of the problems I had were related to looking up the appropriate package name and version for all the required libraries, so constructing the equivalent of the Ubuntu command below for CentOS. A bit non-trivial since many of the package names are different between Ubuntu and CentOS:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install python3 python3-distutils python3-tk libpython3-dev libxmu-dev tk-dev tcl-dev cmake git g++ libglu1-mesa-dev liblapacke-dev

Anyway, I have a working build on CentOS 7 now and if anyone would like it I will be glad to post a link to download the directory ngsolve-install

Thanks and regards,

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