Upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 - NgSolve not working

6 years 7 months ago #644 by mary

I upgraded ubuntu today and now NgSolve is not working any more. I get the following error message

netgen: error while loading shared libraries: libTKBRep.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This lib is installed, so I checked my PATH and PYTHON_PATH variables, but they do not include the respective folder. Also the NETGENDIR variable is not set. I installed ngsolve as stated on your webpage. Should I reinstall it from scratch ?

Thanks a lot
6 years 7 months ago #645 by ddrake

It sounds to me like maybe a problem with Open Cascade support. Before reinstalling Ngsolve, it might be worth a try to do these steps:

sudo apt-add-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install liboce-ocaf-dev

for more info, see here: ngsolve.org/docu/latest/install/cmakeoptions.html

Hope that helps!

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