NGSolve User Meeting: June 14-16, 2017


In this meeting we bring together advanced NGSolve users with different background, as well as newcomers who want to get a quickstart into NGS-Py. We start with a basic tutorial on the first day, present the implementation and use of new and advanced methods, and discuss topics for the near future.

Venue: Technical University Vienna, Karlsplatz 

There are no fees. Please book a hotel by your choice. The list of participants is here. To register, send an email to

The meeting is supported by the Vienna Center for PDEs and the SFB Taming Complexity in partial differential systems.

Tutorials and further python examples can be found here.

Tuesday, June 13
 19:00  Come Together at ...
Wednesday, June 14, Library building 5th floor
 8:30-9:30      NGSolve installation session        
 9:30-10:50          Solving PDEs with NGSolve - Python (Jay Gopalakrishnan)
 11:10 - 12:30      Numerical methods in NGSolve: finite element spaces, preconditioning (Joachim Schöberl)
   Lunch break
 14:00 - 15:30  Solving non-linear and time-dependent problems (Christoph Lehrenfeld)
 16:00 - 17:00  Geometric modeling and mesh-generation with Netgen - Python (Christoph Wintersteiger)
Thursday, June 15, Kontaktraum
 9:00 - 10:30  Getting into C++ programming with My-Little-NGSolve, Python wrapping (Christopher Lackner) talk | resources
 11:00 - 12:30
  • Evaluation of symbolic forms: run-time versus code-generation (Matthias Hochsteger) talk
  • Shared memory parallelization via TaskManager (Matthias Hochsteger) talk
  • Distributed memory parallelization (Lukas Kogler) talk
   Lunch break
  • X-FEM with NGSolve-Python (Christoph Lehrenfeld) talk
  • Advanced methods in elasticity (Astrid Pechstein)
  • Model order reduction with pyMOR and NGSolve (Stephan Rave)
  • Scattering (Peter Monk)
  • Topology optimization with NGS-Py (Atsushi Kawamoto)
  • Optimal-Control with NGS-Py (Simon Stingelin)
  • Multiderivative solvers for PDEs (Jochen Schütz)
  • Pythonic Feast (Jay Gopalakrishnan)
 19:30  Dinner at Heuriger 10er Marie
Friday, June 16, Kontaktraum
  • H(div)-conforming HDG for Navier Stokes (Philip Lederer) resources
  • Fluid structure interaction (Michael Neunteufel) resources
  • PML (Markus Wess)
  • SolveLLG - A simulation tool for micromagnetics (Bernhard Stiftner)
  • Solving PDEs in higher dimensions (Gerhard Kitzler)
  • Algebraic multigrid for H1 and H(curl) (Bernd Schwarzenbacher)
  • Mesh generation from voxel-geometries (Daniel Herold)
  • Infrastructure: build system, testing, documentation (Matthias Hochsteger, Christopher Lackner)
  • Outlook, discussion  (Joachim Schöberl)
 15:00 - 17:30  Vienna City Tour