Unstructed mesh with structured subdomain

5 years 3 months ago #1972 by hvwahl
Hi everyone,

is it possible to create a mesh, where an inner subdomain contains a structured mesh (e.g. with meshes.MakeStructured2DMesh() ) which in turn is inside a larger domain with a coarser, unstructured mesh?

So something like this:
geo = SplineGeometry() geo.AddRectangle([0,0],[1,1]) geo.AddRectangle([0.33,0.33],[0.66,0.66],leftdomain=2, rightdomain=1) geo.SetDomainMaxH(1,0.1) geo.SetDomainMaxH(2,0.02) mesh = Mesh(geo.GenerateMesh())
but with a structured mesh in domain 2.

Best wishes,
5 years 3 months ago - 5 years 3 months ago #1975 by christopher
It is, but not straight forward:

create a mesh for the outside, where the boundaries of the top and bottom edge of the enclosed subdomain have copied edges. Then you need to fill the interior with a structured mesh. The following code uses some knowledge of how edges and so on are treated internally and moving code lines may result in unexpected behaviour ;)
from netgen.geom2d import * from netgen.meshing import * geo = SplineGeometry() geo.AddRectangle([0,0],[1,1]) sd = ((0.33,0.33),(0.66,0.66)) pts = [geo.AppendPoint(*p) for p in [sd[0], (sd[1][0], sd[0][1]), sd[1], (sd[0][1], sd[1][0])]] index = {} index["bot"] = geo.Append( ["line", pts[0], pts[1]], leftdomain=0, rightdomain=1, maxh=0.01) index["top"] = geo.Append( ["line", pts[3], pts[2]], copy=index["bot"], maxh=0.01) index["right"] = geo.Append( ["line", pts[1], pts[2]], leftdomain=0, rightdomain=1) index["left"] = geo.Append( ["line", pts[0], pts[3]], copy=index["right"]) geo.SetDomainMaxH(1,0.1) mesh = geo.GenerateMesh() # inverse map with index shift inv_map = {} for key,val in index.items(): inv_map[val+1] = key segments = {key : [] for key in index} for el in mesh.Elements1D(): if el.index in inv_map: segments[inv_map[el.index]].append(el.vertices) pnts = {} for key, val in segments.items(): pnts[key] = [mesh[el[0]] for el in val] pnts[key].append(mesh[val[-1][1]]) rows = [[seg[0] for seg in segments["bot"]]] rows[0].append(segments["bot"][-1][1]) for i in range(1,len(segments["left"])): new_row = [segments["left"][i][0]] for j in range(1, len(segments["bot"])): new_row.append(mesh.Add(MeshPoint(Pnt(pnts["bot"][j][0], pnts["left"][i][1], 0)))) new_row.append(segments["right"][i][0]) rows.append(new_row) rows.append([seg[0] for seg in segments["top"]]) rows[-1].append(segments["top"][-1][1]) mesh.Add(FaceDescriptor(surfnr = 2, bc=2)) for i in range(len(rows)-1): for j in range(len(rows[0])-1): el = Element2D(index=2, vertices=[rows[i][j], rows[i][j+1], rows[i+1][j+1], rows[i+1][j]]) mesh.Add(el) from ngsolve import * msh = Mesh(mesh) Draw(msh)

Hope this helps :)

Last edit: 5 years 3 months ago by christopher.
5 years 3 months ago #1976 by hvwahl
Hi Christopher,

thank you very much for your help! I have changed the 2D element loop to get triangular elements, but is working perfectly!

Best wishes,
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