Behaviour of TensorProductFESpace

5 years 1 month ago - 5 years 1 month ago #1956 by JanWesterdiep

I am building a spacetime formulation of the heat equation, on a tensor product "prism"-like mesh (simplices in space, intervals in time). For now, I am focussing on 1+1 and 1+2 dimensions.

I found some (mostly undocumented) files regarding tensor product meshes and -FEspaces in the directory "ngsolve/py_tutorials/TensorProduct". However, whenever I try to use these objects, I get very unexpected behaviour.

First example, where the mesh on Y is just 1-dimensional (as opposed to 1+2-dimensional as I was hoping) and the matrix A contains far less nonzero entries than what I had expected:
from ngsolve import Mesh, x, y, GridFunction, H1 from netgen.geom2d import unit_square from ngsolve.TensorProductTools import * from ngsolve.comp import * import scipy.sparse as sp time_mesh = Mesh(SegMesh(20, 0, 1)) space_mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.1)) Y = TensorProductFESpace([L2(time_mesh), H1(space_mesh)]) A = BilinearForm(Y) u, v = Y.TnT() A += u * v * dx A.Assemble() Amat = sp.csr_matrix(A.mat.CSR()) print(Amat.nnz) print(Y.mesh.dim) Draw(Y.mesh)

Secondly, when I create a compound FESpace from these TensorProductFESpace's (or even just *one*), I get segfaults:
from ngsolve import Mesh, x, y, GridFunction, H1 from netgen.geom2d import unit_square from ngsolve.TensorProductTools import * from ngsolve.comp import * import scipy.sparse as sp time_mesh = Mesh(SegMesh(20, 0, 1)) space_mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.1)) Y = TensorProductFESpace([L2(time_mesh), H1(space_mesh)]) compound_fes = FESpace([Y]) A = BilinearForm(Y) u, v = Y.TnT() A += u * v * dx A.Assemble()

Lastly, when I use this compound FESpace "as intended", I get an error indicating "not implemented":
from ngsolve import Mesh, x, y, GridFunction, H1 from netgen.geom2d import unit_square from ngsolve.TensorProductTools import * from ngsolve.comp import * import scipy.sparse as sp time_mesh = Mesh(SegMesh(20, 0, 1)) space_mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.1)) Y = TensorProductFESpace([L2(time_mesh), H1(space_mesh)]) compound_fes = FESpace([Y]) A = BilinearForm(compound_fes) (u, ), (v, ) = compound_fes.TnT() A += u * v * dx A.Assemble() $ netgen <snip> catch in AssembleBilinearform 2: 4 not implemented Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 15, in <module> netgen.libngpy._meshing.NgException: 4 not implementedin Assemble BilinearForm 'biform_from_py'

Is there any way I can get around this, maybe by *not* using a TensorProductFESpace, but rather specifying the FESpace (L2 in the time-direction, H1 in the space-direction) on the tensorproduct mesh directly?
Last edit: 5 years 1 month ago by JanWesterdiep. Reason: Added another example of things going wrong
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