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VTKOutput() not works for stokes problem with Tayler-Hood

5 years 1 month ago #1482 by niushi200
I try to solve an analytical solution of stokes problem and visualize it in Paraview by modifying the tutorial @ ngsolve/py_tutorials/mpi/

But ngsolve seems stucks on export VTK file and prohibit me to load other python script with the following error:
ERROR: Thread already running errinfo: Thread already running while executing "NGS_LoadPy $file" (menu invoke)

Attachment not found

Please check attached script to reproduce the issue.

5 years 1 month ago #1483 by schruste
Dear Bin,

The problem is coming from the lines before. The problem is "V.Range(2)". Your fespace only has 2 components, V.Range(2) does not make sense. It results in an indefinite loop.

Best, Christoph

Further note that for pressure order larger than 1 these lines are not doing what you might expect anyway. The min/max operation will give you the largest/smallest coefficient of your gridfunction. There are however no direct conclusions to draw from the coefficient and the min/max of the represented pressure function (not even at Lagrangian nodes (not a Lagrange basis!)).
5 years 1 month ago - 5 years 1 month ago #1484 by niushi200
Thanks for your reply. The netgen no longer hanging any more.

1. Strange VTK output
But it still can not output correct velocity into vtk file. I tested a simple 6 elements domain. The velocity value shown in netgen is (1.3447e-1,1.905e-01).

But in vtk file it wrote a lot of zero (such as 4.70064e-46). Paraview also report following error:
ERROR: In C:\bbd\ecd3383f\build\superbuild\paraview\src\VTK\IO\Legacy\vtkDataReader.cxx, line 1949 vtkUnstructuredGridReader (0000027E6DA553F0): Unsupported data type:

Here is the python code I used for CG
from math import pi from ngsolve import * from netgen.geom2d import SplineGeometry import numpy as np u_exact = (sin(x)*sin(x)*cos(y)*sin(y),-cos(x)*sin(x)*sin(y)*sin(y)) p_exact = cos(x)*cos(y) source = (-sin(x)*cos(y)-cos(x)*cos(x)*sin(2*y)+3*sin(x)*sin(x)*sin(2*y) ,-cos(x)*sin(y)+cos(y)*cos(y)*sin(2*x)-3*sin(y)*sin(y)*sin(2*x)) geo = SplineGeometry() geo.AddRectangle((0,0),(pi,pi),bc="rectangle") mesh = Mesh( geo.GenerateMesh(maxh = pi/20) ) order = 2 mesh.Curve(order) print("ElementBoundary=",mesh.GetBoundaries()) print("NumEles=", print("NumEdges=",mesh.nedge) print("NumVertex=",mesh.nv) V = VectorH1(mesh,order=order, dirichlet="rectangle") Q = H1(mesh,order=order-1) X = FESpace([V,Q]) u,p = X.TrialFunction() v,q = X.TestFunction() print("V.ndof =", V.ndof,X.Range(0)) print("Q.ndof =", Q.ndof,X.Range(1)) print("Total ndof=",X.ndof) nu = 1.0 #fluid viscosity stokes = nu*InnerProduct(grad(u), grad(v))-div(u)*q-div(v)*p - 1e-10*p*q a = BilinearForm(X) a += SymbolicBFI(stokes) a.Assemble() # Vector source term f = LinearForm(X) source = CoefficientFunction(source) f += SymbolicLFI(InnerProduct(source,v)) f.Assemble() #Exact Dirichelt BC for velocity gfu = GridFunction(X) u_exact = CoefficientFunction(u_exact) gfu.components[0].Set(u_exact, definedon=mesh.Boundaries("rectangle")) print("Set Dirichelt velocity BC on ","rectangle") inv_stokes = a.mat.Inverse(X.FreeDofs()) res = f.vec.CreateVector() = f.vec - a.mat*gfu.vec += inv_stokes * res Draw( gfu.components[0], mesh, "velocity" ) Draw( Norm(gfu.components[0]), mesh, "absvel(hdiv)") Draw( gfu.components[1], mesh, "pressure" ) vel = CoefficientFunction(gfu.components[0]) pres = CoefficientFunction(gfu.components[1]) #Error analysis print ("Pres L2-error:", sqrt (Integrate ( (pres-p_exact)*(pres-p_exact), mesh))) print ("Velocity L2-error:", sqrt (Integrate ( (vel-u_exact )*(vel-u_exact ), mesh))) #Output velocity and pressure to paraview vtk = VTKOutput(ma=mesh,coefs=[vel,pres],names=["u","p"],filename="vtkout_CG",subdivision=0) vtk.Do() print("VTK file is generated!") n = specialcf.normal(mesh.dim) u = V.TrialFunction() ### Given a vectorial function u, compute the sum of outgoing fluxes per element C = L2(mesh=mesh, order=0, dirichlet="rectangle") gfc = GridFunction (space=C) c = C.TestFunction() a = BilinearForm(trialspace = V, testspace = C) a += SymbolicBFI(c * u * n, element_boundary=True) a.Apply(gfu.vec,gfc.vec) print("Mass balance =",sum(gfc.vec))
Last edit: 5 years 1 month ago by niushi200.
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