FacetFESpace Segmentation fault

6 years 8 months ago #559 by Matejczyk
Dear all,

I was working with 1D HDG solver and recently I updated my NGsolve to the latest version and the definition of the Facet Space is not working anymore. When I try to define

Z = FacetFESpace(mesh, order=0,dirichlet = [1,2])

it gives Segmentation fault: 11. Do you have any ideas what is happening? It wasn't happening in the previous versions. I attach two files - a short test.py, that is leading to the error and a 1D meshing file.

Best wishes,
6 years 8 months ago #566 by cwinters
Hi Bart,

are you using a package/installer of NGSolve or a self compiled version?
Which version number shows up when you start Netgen?

In the newest version on Github the problem is fixed.

6 years 8 months ago - 6 years 8 months ago #567 by Matejczyk
Hi Christoph,

Thanks for your answer.
I'm using the package version NGSolve-6.2.1805. I will try with the new version then.

######### EDIT ############
I installed version
and now it works!

Best wishes,
Last edit: 6 years 8 months ago by Matejczyk.
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