JacobianInverse as specialcf

2 years 3 months ago #4535 by creativeworker
Is there a way to access the JacobianInverse as specialcf in python?
2 years 3 months ago - 2 years 3 months ago #4536 by mneunteufel

you can invert the specialcf.JacobianMatrix to obtain the inverse
F_inv = Inv(specialcf.JacobianMatrix(3))

Last edit: 2 years 3 months ago by mneunteufel.
The following user(s) said Thank You: creativeworker
2 years 3 months ago - 2 years 3 months ago #4541 by creativeworker
Perfect. Is there a way to Diff a JacobianMatrix?
The goal is to implement the virtual work principle:  www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0304885382901883
Last edit: 2 years 3 months ago by creativeworker.
2 years 3 months ago #4543 by mneunteufel
It should be possible to interpolate the Jacobian (or some components of it) into an L2/VectorL2/MatrixValued(L2) GridFunction and then compute the gradient.
The following user(s) said Thank You: creativeworker
2 years 3 months ago #4544 by creativeworker
Thanks, the MatrixValued(L2(mesh)) helped me out. I attach the minimal example for other users!
[code]# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ngsolve import * from netgen.geom2d import SplineGeometry # geometry geo = SplineGeometry() geo.AddRectangle(p1 = (-10,-5), p2 = (10, 5), leftdomain = 1, rightdomain = 0, bc = "outer") geo.AddRectangle(p1 = (-5,-3), p2 = (5,3), leftdomain = 2, rightdomain = 1, bc = 'gamma') geo.SetMaterial(1, 'mat1') geo.SetMaterial(2, 'mat2') ngmesh = geo.GenerateMesh(maxh = 5) mesh = Mesh(ngmesh) #%% Jacobian G = specialcf.JacobianMatrix(2) print('Jacobian Dims: ', G.dims.NumPy()) G_inv = Inv(G)  print('Jacobian Inv Dims: ', G_inv.dims.NumPy()) G_det = Det(G)  print('Jacobian det dims: ', G_det.dim) G_det_inv = 1/G_det mesh.UnsetDeformation() gfu_G = GridFunction(MatrixValued(L2(mesh))) gfu_G.Set(G) gfu_G_det = GridFunction(L2(mesh)) gfu_G_det.Set(G_det) #% Finite displacement vdisplacement = 0.5 fes_structure = H1(mesh, order=1, dim=mesh.dim) gfu_struc = GridFunction(fes_structure) gfu_struc.Set((vdisplacement,0), definedon=mesh.Materials('mat2')) mesh.SetDeformation(gfu_struc) gfu_G2 = GridFunction(MatrixValued(L2(mesh))) gfu_G2.Set(G) gfu_G2_det = GridFunction(L2(mesh)) gfu_G2_det.Set(G_det) mesh.UnsetDeformation() Gdx = (gfu_G2-gfu_G)/vdisplacement G_det_dx = (gfu_G2_det-gfu_G_det)/vdisplacement gfu_Gdet_dx = GridFunction(L2(mesh)) gfu_Gdet_dx.Set(G_det_dx) #  vtk = VTKOutput(ma = mesh,coefs=[gfu_G_det, gfu_G2_det, gfu_Gdet_dx, gfu_G, Gdx],names=['G_det','G_det2','G_detdx','G','Gdx'],filename = "simple_rectange",subdivision=0, legacy=True) vtk.Do()
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