Problem with Test and Trial functions used to project from gfuir -> gfu

3 years 5 days ago - 3 years 5 days ago #4216 by s.mokbel

I am currently working on a process that takes values from a numpy array and projects them back to a gridfunction. I am doing this using IntegrationRuleSpace, as explained here:

The process works well, except for a weird thing that is happening during the L2 projection step (gfuir --> gfu).
I am working with a mixed finite element space, so I do p and u separately. If I try to get the test and trial functions like this:

fes_p = L2(mesh=mesh, order=interp_ord-1)
fes_u = HDiv(mesh=mesh, order=interp_ord)
fes = FESpace([fes_u, fes_p])
u, p = fes.TrialFunction()
v, q = fes.TestFunction()
# Do l2 projection..

I get a bunch of nans in my gfu. 

However, when I get the test and trial functions like this: 

fes_p = L2(mesh=mesh, order=interp_ord-1)
p, q = fes_p.TnT()
# Do l2 projection...

It works well, and I have the expected values in gfu.

Why would this happen? It is my understanding that both of the methods should give the same test and trial functions.


Last edit: 3 years 5 days ago by s.mokbel.
3 years 5 days ago #4217 by joachim
Hi Sajeda,
can you send the complete example, otherwise it's difficult to guess,
3 years 2 days ago - 3 years 2 days ago #4220 by s.mokbel
I have attached some sample code. I have printed out the two scenarios, so the problem should be clear once you run the file.

Obviously, I have just assigned random data to gfuir, so the values are not meaningful, but you can see the main issue with the nans (coming from mixed FES trial/test functions only).

Please note that I have tested this on real data, and I have gotten the expected output for the changed gfu, so there is nothing wrong with my process. 

Note: I tried to attach this as a file but it did not work, and gave me unrelated error, I tried to copy and paste the code but it did not transfer the line breaks, is there an email I can send the file to? There seem so be a lot of issues with the forum lately. 

Thank you,
Last edit: 3 years 2 days ago by s.mokbel.
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