Piecewise constants on the bounday of 2-D domain

3 years 2 weeks ago #4152 by walker_tr9
So I can create a piecewise linear FE space on a boundary of a 2-D square. But there does not seem to be a way to create piecewise constants. Is this just not doable?
3 years 2 weeks ago #4153 by joachim
for that we have the space of element-wise polynomials on surfaces:
fes = SurfaceL2(mesh, order=0)
3 years 2 weeks ago #4156 by walker_tr9
Yes, but does this work on a sub-domain of co-dimension 1? Do I need to add an argument, like "definedon="?
3 years 2 weeks ago #4157 by Guosheng Fu
For this, you can use facetfespace, and use definedon=""
3 years 2 weeks ago #4158 by walker_tr9
Thanks. Actually, it needs to be:

bdy_L2 = FacetFESpace(mesh, order=0, definedon="", definedonbound="outer")
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