SymbolicBFI definedonelements = all elements that are needed for FreeDofs?

3 years 10 months ago - 3 years 10 months ago #3725 by creativeworker

I have a fes for the whole system. Using the definedon='regexpr' key the system is substructured into parts and stored to different fes_parts. Using the Compress method, I can use everything nice and clean for the different substructures.
To do the AssembleLinearization only on the elements in the substructure, I have a very large code-block to find all elements that have any dof in the substructure. Then translating the element-numbers into a BitArray that is then applied to the SymbolicBFI(..., definedonelements=BitArray).
Is there any shortcut available to find all elements related to the FreeDofs of such a fes_part automatically?

Also I didn't understand the difference in the following example (dealing with exactly that):
fes_in = object.fespace(definedon=object.nonlinear_domain) fesMini = Compress(fes_in) u, v = fesMini.TnT() print('---> Mini FE-Space', fesMini.ndof) el_iterator = fesMini.Elements() master_el_nrs = [] for el in el_iterator: master_el_nrs.append( el_id = ElementId(VOL, act_el = BitArray( act_el[:] = False for i in master_el_nrs: act_el[i] = True print('active elements...........', sum(act_el)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternalMask = fes_in.FreeDofs() wii = np.where(InternalMask) ix_ii = np.ix_(wii[0],wii[0]) aMini = BilinearForm(fesMini) aMini += SymbolicBFI(object.fcn_weak_K(object, material, u,v), definedonelements=act_el ) aMini.Assemble() KiiMini = ngsolve2spmat_mat(aMini.mat) #Ergebnis: Immer zu klein, mit und ohne definedonelements fesfull = object.fespace() ufull,vfull = fesfull.TnT() aTest = BilinearForm(fesfull) aTest +=SymbolicBFI(object.fcn_weak_K(object, material, ufull,vfull), definedonelements=act_el ) aTest.Assemble() ATest = ngsolve2spmat_mat(aTest.mat) KiiTest = ATest[ix_ii] #Ergebnis: mit definedonelements ist das Ergebnis zu klein, ohne passt es. #Die Anzahl der dofs sind immer gleich...

Kind regards,
Last edit: 3 years 10 months ago by creativeworker. Reason: Extension of the question with code
3 years 9 months ago - 3 years 9 months ago #3773 by creativeworker
Just wanted to give an update how I solved it meanwhile for me. Certainly not the most elegant way, but functional and not too slow:
def createInnerModel(object): # get finite element space fes = object.fespace() fes_in = Compress(object.fespace(definedon=inner_domain)) # Suche alle dofs, die mit den inneren Elementen verknüpft sind mastervertices = [] el_iterator = fes_in.Elements() for el in el_iterator: el_id = ElementId(VOL, mastervertices.extend(fes.GetDofNrs(el_id)) dofs = BitArray(fes.ndof) dofs[:] = False for i in mastervertices: dofs[i] = True fesMini = Compress(fes, active_dofs=dofs) print('---> Mini FE-Space', fesMini.ndof) # Search for all elements that are related to that dofs master_el_nrs = [] for el in fes.Elements(VOL): is_master = False el_id = ElementId(VOL, eldofs = fes.GetDofNrs(el_id) for eldof in eldofs: is_master |= eldof in mastervertices if is_master: master_el_nrs.append( E_tilde = np.unique(master_el_nrs) act_el = BitArray( act_el[:] = False for i in E_tilde: act_el[i] = True print('active elements...........', sum(act_el)) return fesMini, act_el
Last edit: 3 years 9 months ago by creativeworker.
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