Generating Finite Element Space with FESpace

4 years 4 months ago #3263 by elizabethmonte

I'm trying to use FESpace to construct finite element spaces. However, for certain types of elements I get an error of the sort NgException: undefined fespace 'H1'. I've attached a script with a basic test and I only seem to be able to use FESpace for VectorH1 and VectorL2 elements.

Are certain types of finite element space only available from the generator functions directly?

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4 years 4 months ago #3265 by joachim
Hi Elizabeth,

the old, internal name of the fespaces (as used ngs.FESpace(fes_type, ..)) is not the same as the Python class name.

You can figure out the typename as follows:
fes = ngs.H1(mesh, order=3) print (fes.type)
It gives you 'h1ho'.

Alternatively, you can create an object of the python class given as string via
fes = getattr(ngs, fes_type) (mesh, order=3)

4 years 4 months ago #3266 by elizabethmonte
I see, thank you! That works perfectly.
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