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A bug on boundary condition for i-tutorial unit 3.3.1, and related questions

3 years 9 months ago #2973 by Guosheng Fu

I am looking into traceoperator/geom_free implementation of DG.

My starting point is this i-tutorial

In version 1, you are using the wall boundary condition
. The numerical flux on the boundary is
phat = p uhat.n = 0
(Here maybe make a note that


returns p, not zero on the boundary edge, as it is sometimes confusing what the magic Other() operator is doing on domain boundary. See this discussion )

By increasing final time tend = 0.3, we find the boundary condition is indeed correctly implemented.

Then in Version 2, phat is the average on interior edges, but phat=p on boundary edges. Hence, to have a correct implementation of the boundary term Btr in block 11, I added the following hack to have the correct boundary condition:
# A HACK gf = GridFunction(FacetFESpace(mesh, dirichlet=".*")) gf.Set(1, BND) Btr = BilinearForm(trialspace=fes_tr, testspace=fes_u) Btr += 0.5 * (1+gf)*phat * (v*n) * dx(element_boundary=True)

With this correction, the version 2 results are identical to version 1 up to time tend=0.3. (Otherwise, we observe something wrong when wave hit the boundary)

Unfortunately, the same trick does not work for the geom_free version.
Do you have any suggestions to fix the boundary condition for Version 3?

Another question: does traceoperator and/or geom_free work on a periodic mesh?
I have some trouble getting consistent results on periodic mesh for the traceoperator.

3 years 9 months ago #2977 by Guosheng Fu
I like the HDG-like implementation of an explicit DG scheme.
The traceop can be explicitly realized via a matrix-vector form (although the performance is a bit slower than traceop, but it handles the boundary condition correctly)
# test/trial functions u,v = V.TnT() uhat, vhat = VF.TnT() ### mass matrix for uhat (diagonal) Mtr = BilinearForm(VF) Mtr += uhat*vhat*dx(element_boundary=True) Mtr.Assemble() invuhat = Mtr.mat.CreateSmoother(VF.FreeDofs()) ### u-->uhat (uhat=average of u) Bhat = BilinearForm(trialspace=V, testspace=VF) Bhat += u*vhat*dx(element_boundary=True) Bhat.Assemble() traceop = invuhat @ Bhat.mat

But the geom_free flag still does not work for a periodic facet fespace: the following operator shall allow for geom_free implementation, but it fails for a periodic facet fespace VF.
Btr = BilinearForm(trialspace=VF, testspace=W, geom_free=True) Btr += uhat * (r*n) * dx(element_boundary=True) Btr.Assemble()
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