using functions for CoefficientFunction

4 years 6 months ago #2972 by sm22
Hello NGSolve,

I need to use a coefficient function that depends on the spatial coordinates. I tried the following:
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # import netgen.gui from ngsolve import * from netgen.csg import * from netgen.geom2d import unit_square # initialise mpi comm = mpi_world rank = comm.rank nproc= comm.size mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.2)) # fes = H1(mesh, complex=True, order=2) u = fes.TrialFunction() v = fes.TestFunction() R=0.8 class myCoeff: def __init__(self): self.R = R def eval(self, value, x): outside = ( x >= R ) coeff = 1. / (x - R) value = outside * coeff C = CoefficientFunction(myCoeff) # want to use a coefficient in the bilinear form: # a = BilinearForm (fes, symmetric=True) # a += SymbolicBFI (C*grad(u)*grad(v))

But the class can not be an argument for the CoefficientFunction. How to incorporate slightly involved functions such as the one above to be used in bilinear form? Thank you!!
4 years 5 months ago #2974 by mneunteufel
Hi sm22,

the IfPos CoefficientFunction should work

see also the documentation for CoefficientFunctions . If you need a fancy CoefficientFunction which is not available there is the possibility to define your own CoefficientFunction in C++ and then to export it to Python, see this link .

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