Cell count estimation from meshing parameters

4 years 9 months ago #2602 by Dflyer
There are few meshing parameters to control the mesh generated. Is there any parameter or parameter computation logic to predict/set the number of cells to be generated?
It would be suffice to approximately predict number of cells for given parameters.

Vishnu C
4 years 9 months ago #2604 by christopher
No, that strongly depends on the geometry and meshing parameters are always "local" (like curvature, max meshsize at different boundaries, ...). There is no built in functionality for estimating the number of resulting elements a priori.

4 years 9 months ago #2605 by Dflyer
Thanks for the reply!
Is there any approximation to roughly predict the cell count? I know the volume of the geometry and with some mesh parameters can we approximate the cell count?

Vishnu C
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