Interactive NGSolve Tutorial

What are the i-tutorials ?

The i-tutorials are interactive tutorials to NGS-Py, the Python front-end to NGSolve. The i-tutorials are Jupyter notebooks which allow you to explore the features of NGS-Py.

The i-tutorials have been setup for the 2017 NGSolve user meeting. The authors of the sections are Jay Gopalakrishnan (Getting Started), Joachim Schöberl (Advanced Topics), Christoph Lehrenfeld (Time-dependent and non-linear problems), Christoph Wintersteiger (Geometric modeling and mesh generation). Big thanks to Matthias Hochsteger for integrating the Netgen-GUI into Jupyter.

Copyright: The i-tutorials are a part of NGSolve and are covered by the LGPL open source license. You may extend and modify them for your use, but you have to refer to the original source.


To work through the i-tutorials, you first have to install

Some of the tutorials require packages from scipy and matplotlib, so it is a good idea to install them as well:

  • pip3 install scipy

  • pip3 install matplotlib

i-tutorials on Youtube

We have recorded the tutorial sessions from the 3rd NGSolve Usermeeting in which most of these tutorial files were presented. You can watch the presentations on the NGSolve Youtube channel.


You start with the interactive tutorial by opening a terminal, go to the main folder containing the i-tutorials, and start

jupyter-notebook index.ipynb